All Portraits (224)

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Grammy-nominated visionary Jai Uttal, born June 12, 1951, intertwines East-meets-West sounds, crafting a transformative musical odyssey that transcends borders and resonates with profound spiritual depth.
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Renowned Andhra Pradesh artist Nageswara Rao Konduru transforms surroundings with vibrant canvases, acclaimed in 11 solos, 90 group shows, and prestigious awards, showcasing his enduring impact on the art world.
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Shashiprabha Tiwari, a distinguished journalist and cultural commentator, enriches the global cultural narrative through her diverse writings, earning accolades, including a Senior Fellowship from the Ministry of Culture.
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Distinguished DJ Sheizwood has pioneered India's music scene, leaving an indelible mark with his innovative beats and introducing the vibrant rhythm of House Music to the nation.
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