Vivek Kiran Parshotam: Crafting a Symphony of Rhythm and Innovation

Vivek Kiran Parshotam, a dynamic South African multi-percussionist and composer, fuses traditional Tabla mastery with cutting-edge musical innovation, captivating listeners with his unique sound.

Born in South Africa, Vivek Kiran Parshotam is a versatile percussionist and composer. His musical journey began at age three, drumming on a kitchen table, nurtured by his father, Kiran Parshotam, a devotional folk singer. Vivek developed his Tabla skills at prayer meetings and under local maestros, further enriched by master Tabla player Pandit Shridhar Pardeji. In 2006, Nasheed singer Zain Bhikha invited Vivek to tour globally, leading to performances in Holland, Dubai, Australia, and the UK, including the Royal Albert Hall. Vivek has collaborated with the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra and the University of Pretoria Orchestra, earning acclaim.

His training continued with the late Pandit Shankar Ghosh and at Drisha Music Academy, and he is currently a disciple of Pandita Anuradha Pal. Vivek was a key member of the band AAFRIND, performed at The Sacred Festival in Delhi, and created innovative music blending diverse percussion sounds. He also excels as a professional jewelry designer.

