Shammi Bannu Sharma: The Brush That Binds Time

Shammi Bannu Sharma breathes new life into Indian miniature art, blending centuries-old traditions with a fresh, contemporary pulse that captivates the soul.

Shammi Bannu Sharma, a 7th-generation Indian miniature artist from Jaipur, Rajasthan, merges the timeless beauty of ancient art with the dynamic pulse of contemporary aesthetics. Trained in the traditional guru-shishya tradition under his father, the legendary Bannuji, Shammi absorbed the craft’s intricate nuances through silent observation, a process that instilled in him both discipline and profound understanding. His expertise spans diverse styles, from murals to the rare art of Pichhwai painting. Notably, he created one of the largest Pichhwai paintings for Wes Anderson’s "The Darjeeling Limited." Shammi’s works have graced exhibitions globally, including London, Zurich, and Barcelona. His art is celebrated for its innovative blend of ancient techniques and modern tastes, earning him a National Award for Miniature Painting in 2014.

Shammi continues to push the boundaries of his craft, contributing to prestigious projects and fostering the tradition he so elegantly embodies.
