Renowned for capturing the raw essence of rural Telangana, Kandi Narsimlu, born in 1972, stands as a stalwart artist with a BFA from the College of Fine Arts & Architecture and an MFA from Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture & Fine Arts University, Hyderabad.
His paintings transcend mere visuals, unraveling the cultural tapestry of Kaslabad, a village pulsating with life. Narsimlu's figures, adorned in vibrant attire, mirror the resilience and vibrancy of rural India against the backdrop of modernity's encroachment. Beyond acrylic mastery, he ventures into fiberglass sculptures, pushing artistic boundaries.
Awarded a gold medal by the Hyderabad Art Society in 2011, Narsimlu's work, housed in prestigious collections, becomes a powerful testament to the unyielding spirit of Telangana's villages, as he intricately paints their stories on the canvas of time.