Harsh Inder Loomba: Painting the Unheard, Seeing the Unseen

Harsh Inder Loomba’s art breathes life into the unseen, blending reality with the surreal, while forging deep connections between cultures and the mysteries of existence.

Harsh Inder Loomba’s creative journey is deeply connected to both the physical and metaphysical realms. As a child, she carved out a niche in national art circles, winning the Shankar’s International Children’s Award in 1983. Her formal training at the V.I. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute, where she specialized in oil painting, profoundly shaped her artistic voice. Harsh’s work is a vivid dialogue between realism and abstraction, often weaving together layers of symbolism that reflect her fascination with nature and spirituality. She channels the influence of Salvador Dalí, creating worlds where the seen and unseen intermingle. Her pieces have found homes in private collections and prominent museums like NGMA, Delhi, and the Surikov Art Museum, Russia.

Beyond the canvas, she is an active cultural bridge between India and Russia, while her initiatives for underprivileged children reveal her commitment to social change through art. Her legacy continues to grow.
