Ajay Kumar Samir: In the Spectrum of Shadows

Ajay Kumar Samir captures life's nuanced dramas in stark black and white, crafting a visual feast from the interplay of shadow and light.

Ajay Kumar Samir, renowned for his distinct black and white palette, masterfully captures the interplay of shadow and light, enriching his artworks with textures and colors that reflect deep human experiences. His art, blending traditional motifs with contemporary narratives, features expressive figurations that explore the nuances of human emotion and nature's elusive beauty. 

Educated at Delhi College of Art, Ajay's prolific career is highlighted by solo exhibitions at prestigious venues like Jahangir Art Gallery, and accolades including the All India National Award from AIFACS. His works are showcased in significant collections such as NGMA and the Prime Minister's House, and extend to corporate and private collections worldwide, from Pepsi to art enthusiasts in Switzerland and New Zealand.

Renowned in the art world, Ajay's creations are not just visual experiences but profound dialogues of emotion and thought, capturing the spirit of his times.
