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Preface: There is a transition in the role of hospitality industry in the healthcare system, from short term care of surgical patients from western countries to the long-term preventive care for the disabled. There are important workforce and financi

SHAMSHIR RAI LUTHRA: Non-acceptance spreads dissent and conflict. Acceptance nurtures harmony and wellbeing.
DR. SHYAMA CHONA: The benefits of nurturing creative thinking can be profound, offering children tools for success in all endeavours.
RUCHI GOYAL KAURA: The sound of the thread passing through the canvas sometimes sounds like the song of the canvas; poetically telling me which way to go, what color to choose.
BENJAMINE BENNY PINTO: We coined the term Swatantra Rock and defined it as ‘Music beyond music, time and boundaries’.
JANA FLEMING: The New Dream is emerging! It's community, collaboration; it's life-enhancing and earth-honouring.
JULIE JARA: Reconnective Healing can be done with any animal that needs assistance.
ROOMA MEHRA'S painting reflect her seamless journey into the inner self.
DR. M.L. DEWAN & TRIPAT TUTEJA PARMAR: If human society wishes to endure, we must find a way to live in harmony with nature, and not against it.

Canvas Of Endless Love

In love, a positive essence prevails, an extraordinary energy that transcends time. Love empowers our desires, displaying otherworldly capabilities. It goes beyond mere temporal needs, surpassing the…

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Canvas Of Endless Love

In love, a positive essence prevails, an extraordinary energy that transcends time. Love empowers our desires, displaying otherworldly capabilities. It goes beyond mere temporal needs, surpassing the…

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