Symphony Of My Being

My life philosophy revolves around continuously singing well, practicing diligently, and inspiring audiences while receiving their love and support. Music is the essence of my existence, and I've dedicated myself to it since the age of 6 or 7. I hope to persist in my efforts, spreading love through my music, as singing and honing my skills define the purpose of my life. It's the rhythm that keeps my heart beating and the melody that colors my world.

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Shoaib Khan, a classical musician in the Hindustani music tradition, carries a remarkable lineage, tracing his roots back to Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan and Ustad Abdul Karim Khan, the founders of the Kirana Gharana. His early training came from the talented Ustad Salamat Ali Khan, his father. Influenced by maestros like Ustaad Aamir Khan and Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Shoaib's musical journey began at the tender age of 5, and his passion for music has only grown since. From the very start, he graced the stage with his concerts, accumulating over 200 performances across the nation. Notably, he ventured into fusion music with his band, Raagism, hosting a plethora of rock shows and concerts.

Image Source: Shoaib Khan

Canvas Of Endless Love

In love, a positive essence prevails, an extraordinary energy that transcends time. Love empowers our desires, displaying otherworldly capabilities. It goes beyond mere temporal needs, surpassing the…

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Canvas Of Endless Love

In love, a positive essence prevails, an extraordinary energy that transcends time. Love empowers our desires, displaying otherworldly capabilities. It goes beyond mere temporal needs, surpassing the…

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