Stay Wowed, Stay Curious

Stay in the mystery, the wonder, and the love. Stay amidst the ever-unfolding. Release the need for control, yet remain in the flow. Co-create while knowing there's more to uncover. This world holds untapped richness. Recognize the universe's vast beauty, with even greater wonders ahead. My life's foundation: stay in wonder, stay in mystery, as we journey and explore together.

author credits

Morné Venter, originally from Keetmanshoop and now a coastal dweller, is an arts, nature, and children enthusiast. He has gained recognition in alternative healing circles for his emphasis on inner child healing, a frequently overlooked aspect of spiritual practice. In a world where practices like yoga, reiki, and meditation are becoming more mainstream in the realm of spirituality and alternative healing, Morné's focus on addressing adult emotional and spiritual struggles by delving into the roots of early childhood trauma and mistreatment is rooted in his own upbringing and insights gained during his spiritual journey. Beginning his meditation work in 2012, he introduced SpiritArt, a program designed to help children express themselves creatively through meditation techniques. Additionally, Morné leads the online meditation group called Journey Together, welcoming participants from both local and international communities.

Image Source: Morné Venter

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Canvas Of Endless Love

In love, a positive essence prevails, an extraordinary energy that transcends time. Love empowers our desires, displaying otherworldly capabilities. It goes beyond mere temporal needs, surpassing the…

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